Sunday, June 10, 2012

Playing on Cape Lookout Beach

Each afternoon, we walked down to the beach……..


There was an area where Jade could be off leash, and she just gets sooo excited to play ball!


And these big wide beaches are just right for Jade to run…..The sand is wet and hard packed where it is exposed at low tide, making it really easy to walk/run on.


I think that Jade really likes the ocean.   I know we do…..     : )


Then, the unexpected……..we looked up to see a sky full of hang gliders! 20 or more….They had jumped off the cliff in the background and were just gliding down……..‘hanging’ around……Floating…….catching the thermal currents……It looked like such fun!


As we watched, one by one the gliders came in for a landing.


They so skillfully set down……gently landing on their feet.


Then, they folded up their parachutes and walked off……

You just never know who might drop in…..   ;- )

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