Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 9 Hiking Black Tail Canyon and Stone Creek Canyon

Day 9 of our rafting trip held two very nice hikes that, as Matt would say, everybody could do. Just a note- Becky has some wonderful pictures from these hikes  on her blog post  Day 9.

The first hike was a short meander up Black Tail Canyon.


We wandered up this slot canyon on a mostly gravel or rocky surface, occasionally stepping through puddles as we followed the creek drainage.


The walls of these slot canyons were beautifully carved by the water that flows in times of flood. The light played beautifully on the canyon walls.



In just a short ways, we came to the end……a beautiful pool of clear water and evidence of the waterfall or wash that created the canyon. Fred and I and Sarah and Jason stopped to take each other’s pictures before heading back to the rafts.

In the afternoon, we stopped at Stone Creek Canyon for another short hike.


This time, our destination was this beautiful waterfall.


Cool, but not cold like the river, the clear water was amazing!


Everybody took turns ducking under the falls…… is Becky enjoying the water.


It was a wonderful chance to let it just shower down on us! Rinsing out our hair, clothes, and washing the grit off our bodies……..Unfortunately, no soap or shampoo allowed.  Refreshing!


And inspiring!  (That’s Sarah and Jason)

We all headed back to the rafts and on to camp for the evening feeling rejuvenated. It was days like this, with a relaxed change of pace (and a shower!) which left us feeling like we could continue on forever ……..

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